relaxing into a chair massageTime to Unwind’s seated massage in the workplace is a completely flexible service.

You can schedule a visit to suit your business needs: from a short visit of 2 hours to a whole day.

Here are some things to consider:

  • How many people will have a massage
  • The massage menu – choosing a massage session
  • What you need to provide
  • How to pay
  • What next?

How many people will have a massage?

The massage session length determines the number of people that can have a massage during a visit (see choosing a massage session below). The timings break down as follows:

  •  5 minute/session –  6* to 12 people/hour
  • 10 minute/session – 4* to 6 people/hour
  • 15 minute/session – 3* to 4 people/hour
  • 20 minute/session – 2* to 3 people/hour

(* with this option a 5 minute change over is added to allow for introductions, the health screen, and for cleaning the chair.  This is a slightly more “relaxed” approach and allows for “late” arrivals. With the back to back approach, everything has to be done within the appointment slot so prompt arrival is important.)

The massage menu – choosing a massage session

view of a seated massage on massage chair

A massage menu is provided so you can choose how long each massage session is.

The choices are:

  • 5 minutes – upper back and shoulders
  • 10 minutes – upper back, shoulders, and neck
  • 15 minutes – upper back, shoulders, neck, and arms and hands
  • 20 minutes – upper back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, and head

Sessions build on each other, i.e. the 10 minute session contains the 5 minute session. All sessions end with some gentle stretches which help to revive the body.

A visit can be set-up so that people can have different length of sessions.

How to choose a session?

  • If time is tight, choose the 5 minute session. Even in such a short time, staff feel relaxed and revived.
  • As a general introduction to the service, 10 minutes addresses the areas where most tension is felt.
  • Bound to the computer? 15 minutes gives relief to arms and hands and can help reduce repetitive movement strains.
  • Twenty minutes is the whole massage routine providing the full benefit of the service.

Sessions are individually tailored based on the short health screen intake that is taken prior to the massage session. (For some medical conditions, massage is not appropriate or has to be modified.)

What you need to provide

All you need to provide is an area for the chair and the therapist. This can be a small office or just a small quiet area in an open plan office.

Other than an area to work in, everything else is provided even the portable, specially designed massage chair! (Booking sheets and posters for the visit will be provided on request.)

How to pay

Payment can be cash, cheque, or via BACS transfer. There is a choice of payment options: the company pays, the staff pay, or the company can provide a subsidy.

What next?

Contact me to discuss your chair massage requirements and to arrange a visit!